Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Gift Bags & Baskets From Lotion Source
Lotion Source has a large selection of lotion gift bags, gift baskets and other gift ideas for your Christmas season. We have a wide selection including Hempz gift bags & herbal gift baskets, Brown Sugar Gift Bags, Designer Skin Gift Bags, Hoss Sauce & Sun Sauce Gift Bags & Many Others.
We also offer fast 2-3 day shipping so there is no problem getting your gifts in time!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Don't Tan Without Protective Eyewear
When some people think of goggles for indoor tanning they sometimes conjure up the incorrect image of a person emerging from a tanning bed boasting a dreaded set of raccoon eyes.
The purpose of indoor tanning goggles is to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) light. Since the eyelids don't actually tan or provide protection from UV, it is essential to wear goggles for indoor tanning every time you attend a session.
Tanning salons provide an assortment of different clam-shaped tanning beds for your to choose from. You lie down on an acrylic surface through which ultraviolet light passes from above and below. The ultraviolet lights used in tanning beds are the same UVA and/or UVB rays emitted by the sun.
Refusing to wear goggles inside a tanning bed is very dangerous and over time can cause long-term damage to your eye sight.
Many tanning beds emit a combination of both UVA and UVB, the raios vary depending on the type of bed. Exposure of the eyes to one or both types of UV rays in a tanning bed can result in severe burns and damage to the eye.
The human eyelid is too thin to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, so merely closing your eyes is simply not enough protection. Draping a towel across your face does not block the UV either, it only filters it. Without goggles for indoor tanning, clients risk burns to the cornea, cataracts and retinal damage.
Eye irritation and conjunctivitis characterize burns to the cornea. Individuals who contract conjunctivitis can expect tearing and crusting of the eyelids as well as blurry or foggy vision.
Cataracts are a serious condition in which a membrane on the eye clouds over, like a foggy lens, and must be removed surgically. Retinal damage can cause you to literally see black or purple spots and result in eye surgery.
A cancerous condition called malignant melanoma of the eye is also associated with the use of sunlamps and tanning beds without wearing eye protection.
Independently conducted research has shown that even short-term exposure to ultra-violet light can be damaging to the eye as radiation levels inside a tanning bed can be many times greater than the radiation levels emitted by the sun.
To protect your eyesight during a visit to a salon, it is suggested that you get a pair of FDA regulated goggles for indoor tanning. You can usually purchase these at the salon or borrow a pair from the front desk. Call the salon before your appointment to make sure that you will be wearing a pair of goggles for indoor tanning from the moment the attendant switches on the machine.
When it comes to something as precious as your eyesight it is better to be safe than sorry.
The purpose of indoor tanning goggles is to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) light. Since the eyelids don't actually tan or provide protection from UV, it is essential to wear goggles for indoor tanning every time you attend a session.
Tanning salons provide an assortment of different clam-shaped tanning beds for your to choose from. You lie down on an acrylic surface through which ultraviolet light passes from above and below. The ultraviolet lights used in tanning beds are the same UVA and/or UVB rays emitted by the sun.
Refusing to wear goggles inside a tanning bed is very dangerous and over time can cause long-term damage to your eye sight.
Many tanning beds emit a combination of both UVA and UVB, the raios vary depending on the type of bed. Exposure of the eyes to one or both types of UV rays in a tanning bed can result in severe burns and damage to the eye.
The human eyelid is too thin to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, so merely closing your eyes is simply not enough protection. Draping a towel across your face does not block the UV either, it only filters it. Without goggles for indoor tanning, clients risk burns to the cornea, cataracts and retinal damage.
Eye irritation and conjunctivitis characterize burns to the cornea. Individuals who contract conjunctivitis can expect tearing and crusting of the eyelids as well as blurry or foggy vision.
Cataracts are a serious condition in which a membrane on the eye clouds over, like a foggy lens, and must be removed surgically. Retinal damage can cause you to literally see black or purple spots and result in eye surgery.
A cancerous condition called malignant melanoma of the eye is also associated with the use of sunlamps and tanning beds without wearing eye protection.
Independently conducted research has shown that even short-term exposure to ultra-violet light can be damaging to the eye as radiation levels inside a tanning bed can be many times greater than the radiation levels emitted by the sun.
To protect your eyesight during a visit to a salon, it is suggested that you get a pair of FDA regulated goggles for indoor tanning. You can usually purchase these at the salon or borrow a pair from the front desk. Call the salon before your appointment to make sure that you will be wearing a pair of goggles for indoor tanning from the moment the attendant switches on the machine.
When it comes to something as precious as your eyesight it is better to be safe than sorry.
VITAMIN D and Tanning: According to Readers Digest, September 2006: "New evidence shows that getting enough vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health."
For the first time in years, scientists are coming out from behind the clouds and giving us some good news about sunlight - in the form of vitamin D. What they want you to know is this: healthy vitamin D levels are being associated with lower risks of several forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. How do you get more vitamin D? SUNLIGHT. Tanning beds are a controlled source of sunlight.
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is necessary for the body to properl absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in the past decade have researchers discoverd that vitamin D also plays an important role in cell growth in the body. Vitamin D comes naturally from sun exposure to the skin, and to a limited extent is available in milk, fatty fish and cod liver oil.
So as studies are completed and there are many it is being found that exposure to UV light helps with vitamin D production and the vitamin D has many positive attributes. SO if you are going outside exposure is good, burning is bad so lets say that sensible use of sunscreens is good but exposure to the sun is as well. Now, tanning inside in a tanning bed is a controlled and timed environment. Remember by developing a good tan before you spend hours in the sun will really help prevent sunburn.
DR. MARC SORENSON and Vitamin D: You will probably be hearing a lot more about Dr. Marc Sorenson he is the author of Solar Power for optimal Health.
Dr. Sorenson is a very forward thinking scholar, entrepreneur, author, speaker and health expert. This book states: Sunlight and Vitamin D May Save Your Life!
• Sunlight profoundly lessens the risk of breast, prostate, colon and other major cancers.
• Sunlight dramatically reduces the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture.
• Sunlight and/or vitamin D aids in relieving depression, chronic pain and lower back pain.
• Sunlight and vitamin D help to control heart disease, blood pressure and multiple sclerosis and increase muscle strength.
Is the book worth reading? In my opinion it is a must.
DR. HOLICK and Vitamin D: Last week I mentioned a book that I thought would be of interest to Tanners. How many have gone out and purchased that book and started reading? Raise your hand if you have! Had you going for a minute. But the book is excellent.
Now I want to mention one more it is called the UV Advantage by Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University. What is sun-phobe? Sun-phobe is a term coined by researcher and author Dr. Michael Holick that means "a person with an irrational fear of sunlight."
Unfortunately, says Holick, we've become a nation of sun-phobes. We hide from the sun and feel guilty when we don't. "The UV Advantage" asks you to take a deep breath and thoughtfully consider the idea that sunlight is actually good for you.
Holick, a Boston University professor, is perhaps the world's leading researcher shedding light on the belief that humanity is ignoring the importance of sunshine and vitamin D. His book, "The UV Advantage: The Medical Breakthrough that shows how to Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health" calls those beliefs into question.
A strong challenge? You bet. And one so controversial that Holick's former boss at the Boston University Dermatology Department, Dr. Barbara Gilchrest, essentially fired him from the dermatology faculty after the book was published. He's now the director of the General Clinical Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine, and also directs the school's Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Center. He is perhaps the world's most respected photobiologist who believes that the benefits of regular exposure to UV light received in a non-burning fashion outweigh the risks.
The book is available in Paperback as well as Hard Cover.
For the first time in years, scientists are coming out from behind the clouds and giving us some good news about sunlight - in the form of vitamin D. What they want you to know is this: healthy vitamin D levels are being associated with lower risks of several forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. How do you get more vitamin D? SUNLIGHT. Tanning beds are a controlled source of sunlight.
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is necessary for the body to properl absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in the past decade have researchers discoverd that vitamin D also plays an important role in cell growth in the body. Vitamin D comes naturally from sun exposure to the skin, and to a limited extent is available in milk, fatty fish and cod liver oil.
So as studies are completed and there are many it is being found that exposure to UV light helps with vitamin D production and the vitamin D has many positive attributes. SO if you are going outside exposure is good, burning is bad so lets say that sensible use of sunscreens is good but exposure to the sun is as well. Now, tanning inside in a tanning bed is a controlled and timed environment. Remember by developing a good tan before you spend hours in the sun will really help prevent sunburn.
DR. MARC SORENSON and Vitamin D: You will probably be hearing a lot more about Dr. Marc Sorenson he is the author of Solar Power for optimal Health.
Dr. Sorenson is a very forward thinking scholar, entrepreneur, author, speaker and health expert. This book states: Sunlight and Vitamin D May Save Your Life!
• Sunlight profoundly lessens the risk of breast, prostate, colon and other major cancers.
• Sunlight dramatically reduces the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture.
• Sunlight and/or vitamin D aids in relieving depression, chronic pain and lower back pain.
• Sunlight and vitamin D help to control heart disease, blood pressure and multiple sclerosis and increase muscle strength.
Is the book worth reading? In my opinion it is a must.
DR. HOLICK and Vitamin D: Last week I mentioned a book that I thought would be of interest to Tanners. How many have gone out and purchased that book and started reading? Raise your hand if you have! Had you going for a minute. But the book is excellent.
Now I want to mention one more it is called the UV Advantage by Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University. What is sun-phobe? Sun-phobe is a term coined by researcher and author Dr. Michael Holick that means "a person with an irrational fear of sunlight."
Unfortunately, says Holick, we've become a nation of sun-phobes. We hide from the sun and feel guilty when we don't. "The UV Advantage" asks you to take a deep breath and thoughtfully consider the idea that sunlight is actually good for you.
Holick, a Boston University professor, is perhaps the world's leading researcher shedding light on the belief that humanity is ignoring the importance of sunshine and vitamin D. His book, "The UV Advantage: The Medical Breakthrough that shows how to Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health" calls those beliefs into question.
A strong challenge? You bet. And one so controversial that Holick's former boss at the Boston University Dermatology Department, Dr. Barbara Gilchrest, essentially fired him from the dermatology faculty after the book was published. He's now the director of the General Clinical Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine, and also directs the school's Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Center. He is perhaps the world's most respected photobiologist who believes that the benefits of regular exposure to UV light received in a non-burning fashion outweigh the risks.
The book is available in Paperback as well as Hard Cover.
DEVELOP A GOOD BASE TAN: How is your Tan going? Dark? Dark as you want to be? You know with the weather improving and the fourth of July just around the corner the opportunity to go outside in the sun, sun bathing, swimming well you know what I mean can invite sunburn and unwanted looks at those white legs.
It would be a pretty good idea to try to get a nice base tan prior to going to the beach, river or pool. Despite what was considered normal for tanning (go outside get burnt, peel and then turn Tan) it is not good for you, it is not comfortable and it is actually a pain. So my best suggestion would be to come to the salon and enjoy tanning at least every other day or so while you are developing a nice base tan. Every other day will work for some while others need maybe every third day. You won't gain by trying to tan when you are pink so before you go tanning make sure you are not a little pink from a previous session. Use a good tanning lotion that will take care of your skin and accelerate the body's natural tanning process. Doing this process correctly will actually help you develop a tan faster. Keep in mind if you are already a person with a good base tan what I just wrote really does not apply. I am trying to help those of you who are not tan and are likely to go outside and over do the exposure to UV light thing that so often happens and really shouldn't.
The rest of you who actually have good base tans and even more, my advise to you is to keep doing what you are doing, keep tanning on a regular basis and enjoy tanning outside. Even with a good base tan or a little more you still run a risk of getting burnt due to overexposure while outside. Use a good SPF and re-apply frequently depending on how long you are planning on staying out in the Sun. Another good thing I might suggest you purchase and keep with you is a sunburn cooler gel. Body Drench's Skin Therapy Sunburn Cooler Gel will help you in the case of you getting a bit sun burnt. It is a marvelous cooling product.
Something else I should bring up is if you use SPF you really need to use an excellent moisturizer. Most SPF products are created for one thing and that is to keep you from burning. They are not good skin care products. You need to rehydrate your skin after being out in the Sun for any length of time. Remember it would be in your best interests to use a very good lotion all the time, you will soon be amazed at how nice and soft your skin feels.
1) Get A Base Tan Before Heading Outside In The Summer
2) Tan At The Salon Every Other Day Or Every 3rd Day
3) Use A Good Tanning Accelerator
4) Use A Good Daily Moisturizer
5) Use SPF Protection & Avoid Sunburns
6) Use A Sunburn Cooler Gel If You Burn
It would be a pretty good idea to try to get a nice base tan prior to going to the beach, river or pool. Despite what was considered normal for tanning (go outside get burnt, peel and then turn Tan) it is not good for you, it is not comfortable and it is actually a pain. So my best suggestion would be to come to the salon and enjoy tanning at least every other day or so while you are developing a nice base tan. Every other day will work for some while others need maybe every third day. You won't gain by trying to tan when you are pink so before you go tanning make sure you are not a little pink from a previous session. Use a good tanning lotion that will take care of your skin and accelerate the body's natural tanning process. Doing this process correctly will actually help you develop a tan faster. Keep in mind if you are already a person with a good base tan what I just wrote really does not apply. I am trying to help those of you who are not tan and are likely to go outside and over do the exposure to UV light thing that so often happens and really shouldn't.
The rest of you who actually have good base tans and even more, my advise to you is to keep doing what you are doing, keep tanning on a regular basis and enjoy tanning outside. Even with a good base tan or a little more you still run a risk of getting burnt due to overexposure while outside. Use a good SPF and re-apply frequently depending on how long you are planning on staying out in the Sun. Another good thing I might suggest you purchase and keep with you is a sunburn cooler gel. Body Drench's Skin Therapy Sunburn Cooler Gel will help you in the case of you getting a bit sun burnt. It is a marvelous cooling product.
Something else I should bring up is if you use SPF you really need to use an excellent moisturizer. Most SPF products are created for one thing and that is to keep you from burning. They are not good skin care products. You need to rehydrate your skin after being out in the Sun for any length of time. Remember it would be in your best interests to use a very good lotion all the time, you will soon be amazed at how nice and soft your skin feels.
1) Get A Base Tan Before Heading Outside In The Summer
2) Tan At The Salon Every Other Day Or Every 3rd Day
3) Use A Good Tanning Accelerator
4) Use A Good Daily Moisturizer
5) Use SPF Protection & Avoid Sunburns
6) Use A Sunburn Cooler Gel If You Burn
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